Monday, 27 April 2009


高效能抗氧化配方,蕴含葡萄籽生物类黄酮及专利注册"矿物维生素 C
功能·促进心脏血管健康 ·增强免疫能力·改善眼睛健康·具消炎作用·预防皮肤过早衰老

游离基杀手 -- 强力抗氧化剂科学家发现超过 20,000 多种生物类黄酮和生物类黄碱有不同程度的抗氧化作用。而前花色素是其中一种含最高抗氧化效能的生物类黄酮。事实上,在很多食物中也可以摄取到前花色素,但含量不多,要单从食物中摄取足够前花色素较为困难。
前花色素能减少游离基对身体的侵害,兼且可以保护及更生维他命 C 和 E 的作用 (维他命 C 和E,两者都是强力游离基清除剂)。配合 USANA 注册专利配方矿物维生素 C ,更能提升葡萄籽精华的强效全面抗氧化功能,促进身体健康。
有效抑制低密度胆固醇 (LDL) 的氧化,帮助预防心脏病
USANA葡萄籽精华的特点USANA的高效能抗氧化配方能抵抗游离基对身体造成的破坏,维持微细血管健康 及加强血液循环功能,改善眼睛疲劳,预防皮肤过早衰老及令皮肤恢复弹性,具有消炎作用,并能预防心脏疾病。事实上,脂肪代谢、环境污染、抽烟、饮食及新陈代谢都会产生游离基,从而引发各种退化性疾病产生。
适合人群:肾炎、肠炎、高血压、糖尿病、痛风、肝炎或脂肪肝、哮喘、疲劳综合征、内分泌失调、过敏、色斑等;服用方法服用方法: 每天服用二至四片。

Every day, free radicals—from environmental pollution, cigarette smoke, fatty diets, and normal cellular metabolism—assault our cells. Proflavanol, with its high concentration of grape-seed extract (30 mg in each tablet) and a healthy dose of USANA’s exclusive Poly C® formulation, supports the body's fight against free-radical damage.*
Supplies a unique antioxidant formula based on a combination of grape-seed bioflavonoids and Poly C
Helps retain sound cardiovascular function, immune function, and circulation*
Provides a first line of defense against oxidative stress*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Keep out of reach of children. Consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking a prescription drug, or have a medical condition.

Plants are living pharmacies, producing thousandsof substances that are beneficial to humanhealth. There are several major categories of thesephytonutrients, including the plant pigments calledbioflavonoids. While clearly exhibiting antioxidantcapabilities that offer protection from oxidative stress,bioflavonoids are probably even more important fortheir ability to modulate cell signaling pathways.Among the many important cell-signaling functionsthat bioflavonoids influence are regulating the cellcycle, inhibiting cell proliferation, and producingdetoxification enzymes.1-5PROANTHOCYANIDINSProanthocyanidins are a subclass of bioflavonoidsfound in blue and purple berries, purple grapes, andred wine, and they are available in relatively highconcentrations in grape-seed extract. Research suggestsa strong role for dietary bioflavonoids, including theproanthocyanidins, in supporting and maintainingsound cardiovascular function.6-8 Epidemiologicalevidence of this connection begins with the observationthat relatively low rates of heart disease exist inFrance, despite a diet high in saturated fat.9 Thisapparent “French paradox” has been attributed to theproanthocyanidins in the red wine consumed withmost meals. Human clinical research has also shownthat proanthocyanidins in red wine maintain healthyendothelial function.10,11*Proanthocyanidins have been studied extensively inEurope and in the United States. Scientifically observedand documented benefits include the following:• Helps protect plasma LDL from oxidation12*• Helps retain healthy capillary strength andvascular function13,14*• Supports healthy immune function15*• Supports healthy peripheral circulation16*Why Pro flavanol® & Pro flavanol® 90?With USANA’s unique formulation, Proflavanol® andProflavanol® 90 bioflavonoid supplements combine thehighest quality grape-seed extract with the free-radicalquenching power of exclusive Poly C® (see page 38),giving you an important tool in the quest for lifelonggood health.17,18 Laboratory studies done at USANAconfirm that, when used together, these ingredientsprovide significantly better protection against theoxidative modification of low density lipoproteins(LDL) than would be predicted from the sum oftheir individual effects. Not only do proanthocyanidinsneutralize free radicals, they also conserve and regeneratevitamins C and E

Thursday, 12 March 2009

基本营养素Essentials (二合一)
*有效强化全身内外部位: 脑部、眼睛、肺部、心脏、肝脏、肠胃、骨骼、 血液、神经系统等等。
*有效于以下病症: 糖尿病、血压高/血压低、中风、尿酸、头晕沉重、关节炎、 气喘/呼吸困难、身体腰酸背痛/疼痛/麻痹症、蚊症/基孔肯亚症、 牛皮藓、皮肤敏感/痒、失眠症、免疫能力弱经常生病等等。*荣获马来西亚-亚洲营养界08/09第一名之冠。

*Dibina daripada 38 mineral dan vitamin semula jadi.
*Menguatkan seluruh badan: otak, mata, jantung, paru-paru, buah pinggang, hati, perut, usus, tulang, darah, saraf ......
*Berkesan kepada penyakit: Kencing Manis, Darah Tinggi/Darah Rendah, Ghaut, Strok, Pening Kepala, Sakit Lutut/Sendi, Asma/Semput/Sesak Nafas, Sakit/Bisa/Kebas Badan/Kaki Tangan, Kolestrol Tinggi......
*Memasuki Malaysia 2 tahun mendapat 2008/2009 No.1 Terbaik Malaysia/Asia
*Sehari RM2 - RM4 sahaja untuk mendapat kesihatan sebenar.

USANA's foundation products are the ESSENTIALS™--the advanced nutritional products that everyone needs to take every day. They are designed to provide optimal nutritional support. The ESSENTIALS for adults are a combination of two products packaged as one:
AO PRO, a comprehensive formula of high-potency vitamins, antioxidants, and other important nutrients that every adult needs every day for efficient cellular metabolism and to counteract the damaging effects of free radicals.
CHELATED MINERAL, a full-spectrum blend of essential minerals and trace elements in a balanced, highly bioavailable formulation. When taken together with AO PRO, these supplements complete the nutritional foundation for every adult. To maintain optimal health, we need a
variety of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and other micronutrients. A healthy, diverse, balanced diet provides the foundation for good micronutrition. However, with today's lifestyle, it's impractical to obtain an optimal dose of all these nutrients. Furthermore, our diets are often far from balanced. As illustrated in the previous section, most people don't
obtain even the minimal amounts of micronutrients needed to adequately support health, let alone the amounts needed to function at an optimal level.

USANA understands the importance of providing the right ingredients--in the correct amounts, in the right balance, and in the proper forms. USANA created the ESSENTIALS to provide the essential micronutrients that everyone needs every day.

The "essential" vitamins and minerals, as defined by government agencies and nutrition experts, are those that are needed for metabolic function, but are not manufactured by our bodies. We must obtain these ingredients from outside sources, and thus they are an "essential" part of our diets. These same experts have defined recommended Daily Values (DV) for those ingredients where a clearly defined deficiency disease or symptom has been observed. USANA has expanded the meaning of "essential" micronutrition to include more than just those with an established DV. A variety of additional nutrients are important to maintain optimal health. The ESSENTIALS also contain trace minerals, mixed carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and other phytochemicals and antioxidants to provide a full arsenal of compounds to help protect against the daily bombardment of free radicals. The newest ingredient in the ESSENTIALS for adults, USANA's patented Olivol™--The Heart of the Olive™-- is an extract from the fruit of the olive that contains phenolic antioxidants not found anywhere else in nature. The addition of this new, unique ingredient containing olive-specific
phenolic antioxidants complements the already diverse selection of other antioxidants in the ESSENTIALS. The benefits of olive fruit and olive oil consumption are extensive, but until
USANA added this extract to the ESSENTIALS, no commercial source of these phenolic antioxidants had been readily available.


The established recommended Daily Values for vitamins and minerals were developed to show the minimum amount of those nutrients needed to avoid deficiency diseases. They do not tell you how much is needed to enhance your health. The ESSENTIALS are formulated to do more than just prevent deficiency diseases. The nutrients in the ESSENTIALS are set at levels to maintain optimal health and energy levels, based on the latest scientific data. BALANCED FORMULAS USANA reviews all the available scientific literature to ensure that the micronutrients present in our ESSENTIALS formulas are balanced to work together. While much is still not known about all the interactions that occur with nutrients in our bodies, USANA continues to keep abreast of the latest research to ensure up-to-date formulations.

To be useful, all nutrients must be high quality and bioavailable--in other words,in a form the body can absorb and use. USANA takes the extra steps needed to obtain the highest quality ingredients with dependable levels of potency. In addition, USANA imposes rigorous quality controls at every step of the manufacturing process, following pharmaceutical GMP guidelines. -->

USANA's Essentials, including AO Pro, are designed to support general health and well-being and to combat the damaging effects of free radicals (potentially damaging, highly reactive molecules). Together with Chelated Mineral, the Essentials provide the advanced nutritional foundation that every adult needs every day for lifelong health.
Daily stress and environmental pollutants bombard us with ever more free radicals. Diets high in processed foods and fewer whole, unrefined foods have further increased the need for antioxidant supplementation. AO Pro offers advanced levels of high quality, highly bio-available antioxidants to meet this increased need. In addition to comprehensive antioxidant protection, AO Pro offers nutritional support.
Delivers a spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals and cofactors needed for optimal health
Contains a range of antioxidants for body protection from oxidative stress

USANA's Essentials, including AO Pro, are designed to support general health and well-being and to combat the damaging effects of free radicals (potentially damaging, highly reactive molecules). Together with Chelated Mineral, the Essentials provide the advanced nutritional foundation that every adult needs every day for lifelong health.
Daily stress and environmental pollutants bombard us with ever more free radicals. Diets high in processed foods and fewer whole, unrefined foods have further increased the need for antioxidant supplementation. AO Pro offers advanced levels of high quality, highly bio-available antioxidants to meet this increased need. In addition to comprehensive antioxidant protection, AO Pro offers nutritional support.
Delivers a spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals and cofactors needed for optimal health
Contains a range of antioxidants for body protection from oxidative stress